These sands of time fill my life with a fervour
That lets me longingly ogle
At that vast ocean of my emotions for you

I see them crest, and lap up on the shores
Of our relation-ship that can withstand
Any blows life throws

Because you are my anchor.

Every wave of love I feel for you is similar
Yet unique, like our countless conversations that blow
Me away each day, like the soothing marine breeze
Of your gaze that ruffles my moody leaves,
Carrying the moisture of your kisses
And the salt of the sweat, blood, and tears we put in
To show each other

That the very water
Running through our veins
Connects us across the oceans
Comforting our longing pain
Making our world whole again.

My pining for the complex galaxy of your personality
Happily perplexes me
By the constellations of your reactions to me
As I gravitate to you faster,
with more fiery passion,
with nothing to hide

As we spiral into each other and our worlds collide
And become one.

If I were a star, would you be my galaxy?

I penned this on a postcard while in a long-distance relationship.

This photo, however, was taken when I was in Melbourne in 2023.