Welcome to my home page! It’s a pleasure to have you here.

I’m mostly from Goa, was born in Mumbai, grew up in Pune, immigrated to Mississauga, did my B.Eng. in Ottawa, and did my Ph.D. in Montreal which is where I live now. I’m Canadian-Indian with Portuguese and British influences.

So, home to me is the places, activities, and people who make it so. It’s in my start-up and its Stocateers, and in my book and its revelations. It’s in my memories of friendspetsdifficulties, and the many forms of love.

It’s in who I am. It’s in my identity – shaped by danceartpoetrymusic, and flying which inspire my creativity; martial artsdiving, and sports,  which energize my spirit; staff spinningbackpacking through nature, meditating on the way of Life, and therapy which bring me peace.

In this website, I’ve tried recreating my sense of home for you. Hope it helps you home in! Use the tabs at the top to explore and let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or doubts. Thanks for visiting!

Life is the cause, but love is the reason.

(c) Yannick D’Mello
Note: The content of this website is copyright protected. Please cite whatever you use.